About Us
The Author
I wrote this blog and released an e-book because I wanted others like me to learn how cool public speaking is. I also wanted to have lots of pictures in my book. So, I coaxed/bribed my younger brother to do the illustrations you will see throughout this book.
One person I was inspired by is my dad, Satish Shenoy, who is a Distinguished Toastmaster with Toastmasters International®️ If you are not sure what Toastmasters is, check them out – they are a pretty cool organization. He has even written articles for their magazine.
Like him, I have seen some pretty inspiring speakers before, and realized why communication is such a critical skill. Remember, communication is an important skill not only in school, but really, life in general! I hope that this book helps all of you aspiring speakers out there to speak up!
Snigdha Shenoy, age 12
The Illustrator
I am the Illustrator of this book.
My sister, dad and I have worked very hard to create this blog and we have released our e-book to help you and others like us.
My dad who is a toastmaster (and a public speaker), gave us both lots and lots of feedback to help us. My mom also was a constant source of encouragement, sharing her thoughts and feeding us her yummy homemade pizzas while we were writing & illustrating this book !
Hope you enjoy the hard work all four of us put into this book!
Sandeep Shenoy, age 10
(P.S. Sneo (see below) can be very silly at times! An FYI…)

Introducing Sneo….
This little guy is Sneo.
He wants to help you learn about public speaking.
Look for him and his friends in this blog and our e-book. Sneo will help you understand concepts better by showing you what we mean.
While I write things about speaking, he will provide informative, useful (and maybe entertaining) visual explanations.
Check out our Blog and much more...