5 Reasons I Make My Bed First Thing In the Morning

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What a catastrophe of a year 2020 was: coronavirus, floods, fires, a roller coaster of an election, and even murder hornets! And yet, even through all the sadness, grief, surprise, and despair of this year, we have persevered through it all. 2020 is really and truly coming to an end. 

Even though New Year’s 2021 may look a little different, many things will stay the same. One tradition that will continue is the New Year’s Resolution. And if you haven’t already come up with enough resolutions, or if you’re stumped for ideas, then you’ve come to the right place! Making your bed is a great New Year’s resolution to start with!

Wait, what? you’re probably thinking, Making your bed? Yes, you read that right! Making your bed has quite a few surprising benefits, as I have learned in the years since I resolved to make the habit of making my bed every morning. Here are just some of them! 

  1. Accomplishment. The sense of accomplishment from making your bed can’t be beaten as a great way to start off your day.
  2. Dependability. After a long, stressful day at school or work, it feels great to be able to depend on coming home to a well-made bed
  3. Neatness. Making your bed makes your room instantly look quite a bit neater and more organized.
  4. Hygiene. Crumbs and the folds of unmade sheets can attract bugs, and sleeping on these same sheets every night can be harmful to your health.
  5. He told you so! Click this link to watch a motivational speech by William McRaven, a former US Navy Admiral. (And yes, I had to use that title 😂)


Making your bed can have some unexpected benefits, especially mentally. As McRaven said, “If you can’t do the little things right, you will never do the big things right.”


Here’s to starting 2021 right and having a happy, healthy and productive year to you all from Sneo and all of us!

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