Top 5 BEST Public Speaking YouTube Channels

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Public speaking can be a very frightening concept for many people, especially if they’re never done it before. Luckily, those of us with access to the Internet (which probably includes you, since you’re reading this) have an amazing virtual library of thousands of videos to help us out.


In this blog post, I’ll be going over the Top 5 most helpful public speaking YouTube channels I’ve watched in my journey to become a better speaker.


  1. MasterTalk – This channel compiles some of the best speaking tips I’ve seen into videos 10 minutes long or less. For quick, helpful tips, visit this page and watch some of Founder Brenden Kumarasamy’s videos. You can learn more about his mission at his channel website.
  2. Charisma on Command – This might just be one of the most popular communication-related channels on YouTube. They release videos on a variety of topics, not all relevant to public speaking, but I’d suggest you check out playlists like “Presentation Skills” to get quick speaking advice.
  3. Communication Coach Alexander Lyon – This channel was created by Alexander Lyon, a professor from New York with a Ph.D. in Communication! 
    • How to Start a Speech: In this video, Lyon outlines some of his favorite ways to start speeches with an attention-grabbing hook. He also gives some useful tips that can be applied to any part of your speech! If you have an okay speech but want to strengthen your introduction, I’d suggest you check it out. 
  4. Success Wheels  – This channel outlines several public speaking-related topics in an engaging format. Besides videos about general tips, this YouTube also summarizes takeaways from popular public speaking books.
    • How to speak without notes?: In this video, SuccessWheels gives us some tips for speaking without relying on notes or flashcards. Give it a watch! 
  5. TEDx Talks – This channel, which I’ve actually posted about before, is filled to the brim with excellent speakers. Use them as your role models for speech ideas, body language tips, and vocal variety demonstrations. Speeches on the TED stage can be on a variety of topics, but some people have given speeches about public speaking!
    • The skill of self confidence: Watch this motivational speech if you’re doubting yourself before a speech! Ivan Joseph tells us how his experience as a soccer coach connects to the life skill of self confidence. 

BONUS: Last but not least, this extra 6th resource isn’t one of my top 5 – It’s a bonus for my loyal readers! ☺


Favorite Speeches from the Toastmasters World Championship of Public Speaking – This website,, is run by my father – you guessed it – Satish Shenoy. In this useful post, he compiled some of his favorite winning speeches from the Toastmasters World Championship of Public Speaking. Considering these are objectively some of the best speakers in the world, I’d suggest you take advantage of this resource! 


If you’d like to see some more great speeches, check out the official Toastmasters International Youtube Channel. (Hey, I guess I did include a 6th YouTube Channel!) And if you want to find out more about Toastmasters, read my blog post about it here.


All in all, I hope these YouTube Channels help you along on your journey to become a better speaker, just like they did for me. Join us next time for another “Top 5”!

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